Strategic Thinking & Innovation

Customized Solutions

Developing Real-Time Strategy

The Strategic Sprint

The Strategic Sprint workshops are designed to help translate business challenges and opportunities into a well-defined, actionable plan. The workshops combines training on GlobalEdg’s world-renowned, STAR (Strategic, Thinking, Action and Results) system and real-world application.

The strategy process is typically long and cumbersome and can often take months. By using the Strategic Sprint approach, organizations can accomplish this work in just a few days!

The value of the Strategic Sprint to organizations includes;

  • Alignment on what is most critical for your business
  • The right allocation of resources (time, money, and people) on the right work.
  • Cross functional collaboration focused on mutual goals and strategies
  • Clarity and accountability on a strategic plan and roadmap for success
  • A more strategic way of thinking imbedded into the fabric (culture) of your organization

This methodology is featured in the best-selling book, Think to Win – Unleashing the Power of Strategic Thinking (Butler, Manfredi, Klein)